I arose well before first light to make my way to Andrea's exquisite garden, nearly an hour to the north & east of here, hoping to begin shooting well before sunrise. Secretly I had hoped for an overcast morning that would give me more time before the sun climbed high enough to start casting harsh shadows, but the day dawned without a single cloud. Happily I had scouted this garden in first light a few weeks prior, needing to get a sense of its energy and how the light moved through its landscape before shooting in earnest, so I already had worked out a rough shot list and shooting order in my mind. Instead of presenting a problem, the sunrise became a nearly perfect accent to the morning. Here are a handful of glimpses that give a sense of the carefully thought out and executed rooms Andrea has created as a sanctuary for songbirds, butterflies and for her own carefully attuned soul. I love her sense of texture and color drama.