They only smell until they are pollinated...

March 20, 2017: Helleborus and Leucojum

A late summer bouquet in late summer afternoon light.

Rosa 'Maid of Kent' is easily the most generous rose in my garden...

Autumn Bouquet: Hosta leaves and Arisaema tortuosum seed head


One of my favorite bouquets ever; a single red cabbage plant, plucked from the garden and displayed in its complete, architectural glory.

...a closer look

When one perfect bloom and a few leaves create a ravishing bouquet...

Dracunculus vulgaris 'VooDoo Lily'; sex in a vase.

My crush on Cécile has not waned in the slightest...

Alkanet, columbine, rocket and golden hops...

Angels' Trumpets, dahlias, Solomon's Seal and fading hostas. About the time for frosts.