Garden Landscapes
One does not 'take' a garden's picture so much as enter into a conversation with it.

Our New Book:
Growing Conifers: The Complete Illustrated Gardening and Landscaping Guide

Visitors at my back door.
No matter the time of year, visitors to my garden will invariably find a fresh cut bouquet gracing the back door, a deliberate nod to observe and honor whatever magic is unfolding ...or fading in the garden at the time.

Plant Portraits
The hope of any portrait is to capture some telling essence of a subject's nature and soul.

By Any Other Name
"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet..."
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet

Stories From My Phone
Does anyone ever ask the poet what pencil she used?

Wild Places, Wild Things
Some gardens manage to make their own way in the world.

Agricultural Landscapes
Where food comes from...

First, we taste with our eyes...

Oh, The Humanity

imagery pared down to its simplest possibility...

Andrea's Sanctuary Garden
I arose well before first light to make my way to Andrea's exquisite garden, nearly an hour to the north & east of here, hoping to begin shooting well before sunrise. Secretly I had hoped for an overcast morning that would give me more time before the sun climbed high enough to start casting harsh shadows, but the day dawned without a single cloud. Happily I had scouted this garden in first light a few weeks prior, needing to get a sense of its energy and how the light moved through its landscape before shooting in earnest, so I already had worked out a rough shot list and shooting order in my mind. Instead of presenting a problem, the sunrise became a nearly perfect accent to the morning. Here are a handful of glimpses that give a sense of the carefully thought out and executed rooms Andrea has created as a sanctuary for songbirds, butterflies and for her own carefully attuned soul. I love her sense of texture and color drama.

Our Book: The Northwest Garden Manifesto
Create, Restore, and Maintain A Sustainable Yard